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Category: Events
Sept 24-25: Off for Yom Kippur (Atonement Day)
Off for Yom Kippur Yom Kippur (Atonement Day) is the most special and reserved day of the year when God requires us to rest from work, deny our appetites, and make amends with each other and with God. So, we are taking the day off to do that. More information can be found here: Your…
Sept 16-17: Off For Yom Teruah (Day of Trumpets)
Closed for Yom Teruah Yom Teruah (Shout Day), also known as the feast of trumpets, day of blowing trumpets, or Rosh Hashanah (The Year’s Head, the start of the year), is a biblical holy day requiring remembrance, shouting, blowing of trumpets (sounding the alarm), and rest from work according to God’s instructions in the bible.…
Off for Passover Day 7
Closed for Passover Today is the last day of Passover, a holy day, so I’m taking the day off. Chag sameach! (This is an automatically scheduled post.)
Off for PASSOVER day 1
Closed Today for Passover Today is the first day of Passover, a holy day, so I’m taking the day off. Chag Sameach! (This is an automatically scheduled post.)
Test Post (Event Name)
Specifics Lets say this is a description of the event. It’s great.